Compared Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons
Photos and observations of identical effects at WTC, Pentagon, OKC, Panama, Kuwait, China, Napa and other suspected targets of exotic, microwave beam, field interference ("scalar"), and other directed energy weapons.
ABOVE: The bus that was "toasted" twice. Normal fires were never present. RF Energy apparently superheated and molecularly-dissociated the metal of this bus. Notice how the bus' metal "melted" further after WTC-7 was "pulled" (taken down), ostensibly in part or whole by RF Energy (Directed Energy Weaponry).
BELOW: Impossible destruction: Debris and kinetic causation absent, leaving only Directed Energy Weapons as plausibly causal.
BELOW: Near-total cremation of metals, glass, aluminum, steel, otherwise inexplicable except by Directed Energy Weaponry. Thousands of cars in Paradise, CA "wild phyre" alone. No end in sight until masses recognize effects of military's new weaponry.
BELOW: What appears to be a DEW attack 'test-run' sharing hallmark damage of Directed Energy Weaponry: No glass, no aluminum, no glass trim, no door handles, no soot, wilted metal sometimes with gaping holes and/or insta-rust, melted tires/wheels, defies normal explanation.
Reported on November 13, 2013, this site (Watkins Regional Park, Prince Georges County Maryland) may be a test for DEW technologies later used in California Wild Fyres. Notice the immediately adjacent (even overhanging) yet totally unscorched trees, vegetation, etc. "[Anita] Pesses says in her 24 years working for [P.G. County Dept. Parks Recreation], she has never seen anything comparable to the [11] charred vehicles all in a row. 'It's very, very different.'" Source LOL -- as usual the local media alternately dissembles utter nescience or total nonsense. 11 vehicles hallmark?
Microwaves superheat metal, illuminate gas plasma
ABOVE: 10:36 into video -- microwave-oven's microwave beam directed at lightbulb; notice internal metal parts superheat and melt; notice also the 'purple haze' which is also seen in video footage of suspected wildphyres assisted by microwave directed energy weapons (Gatlinburg, TN, many sites in Cali, etc.). Superheated electrical wires, steel wood construction nails and drywall screws, steel I-beams inside wooden houses near flammable materials... Is this how the Paradise and other Cali wildphyres were started (recently in 178 places all at once in one night) and made so much worse? Also, many of the wildphyres before then, too?
Is it possible that Their purpose is to drive people off their land, making way for UN's AGENDA 21 land-grab to disempower and remove from people their best means of self-sufficiency and self-direction (i.e., land ownership)? Is it also possibly to create benefit for Them by causing disaster capitalism? For example, now that electrical power in California will be officially turned off for a week at a time 'to prevent wild fires' (that have been artificially created and hyped for decades by Directed Energy Weaponry), They are going to sell lots of generators, solar panels, batteries, residential grid/self electrical switching systems, and low-power-consumptive machines...meanwhile slowly suppressing California, the 8th largest economy on earth. Once They force everyone onto solar power, well They can already control the weather and therefore the sunlight and therefore the power available. Silent, secret supression. At all levels: PROBLEM CREATION, REACTION FOMENTATION, READY-MADE SOLUTION. Hegelian dialectic.
Wildphyres caused by Directed Energy Weapons
BELOW -- Photographed seemingly red-handed, "LASER-blasting" California, to start and further wildfires (more accurately, homefires) is what remarkably resembles Lockheed Martin's powerful ATHENA LASER Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Many pictures showing beams like this are online. More than a few companies make these kinds of weapons -- see, online since 1999 with huge military contractors not hiding but selling books, classes, memberships.
"Why? Why would 'They' or anyone do this?" Maybe your controlled demise is more profitable to Them than your long-term prosperity -- pursuant to page 12 of UN/UNESCO plan, calling educated people "less sustainable" than poor (i.e., land-less). Driving you off the land suits Their Agenda 21" land-grab -- alternately, "Agenda 2030", "carbon tax", "climate change", etc. -- all parts of what is ultimately a mass eugenicidal depopulative effort -- apparently to profitably slay most (see "disaster capitalism") and then stupefy and enslave the remaining 500 million or so; after all They carved it in stone. Bioweapons, nano-toxins, harmful vaccines, predatory institutions, GMO, debt yoke, electromagnetic degradation (wifi, cordless, cell phones), all play a part. Meanwhile, the USAF plans and boasts of "owning the weather by 2025", and youtuber DUTCHSINSE has shown proof that NEXRAD microwave RADAR installed at all major airports is capable of weather modification, and, under control of DoD, USGS and NOAA, many airports have been caught hundreds of times causally blasting high-powered microwave energy hours before the onset of nearby harsh weather. Weather warfare. Untraceable. Depopulation. Agenda 21 land-grab. Disaster capitalism. It is Their Perfect Storm, consuming You and all yours as fodder. They can't escape the planet; They're not going to let you and yours take, consume and "own" what They haughtily consider to be rightfully Theirs. That's the most powerful and likely reason "Why".
DEW is nearly invisible, practically instantaneous (though sometimes the result is delayed), highly effective, and you really can't do much about it; in fact, most people do not even know it exists, could hardly care (until their house gets burned down), and (until that happens) will not even look to see or entertain and evidence let alone thoughts or worries or considerations. Pin-point targeted instant immolation. Reagan's "star wars" but pointed down, right at you, just as Bruce Gagnon warned years ago in ARSENAL OF HYPOCRISY.
Paradise California "wildphyres" incinerated to white ash thousands of structures, totally immolated thousands of vehicles, and felled maybe a few hundred trees. Rapidly spread devastation caused randomly by 'hot embers' -- is an almost total lie, propagated by those entrenched in 'the system' serving vested interests. Practically everything burned appears to have been lit-up primarily from the inside, with most things around mostly untouched. Houses, vehicles, even the trees ignited inside-out, just like what happens in a microwave oven. In one night, 170 fires began. It's not just improbable, it's unprecedented, impossible by natural cause.
Deb Tavares 'predicted the future' by revealing with Rense on youtube in 2015 the The Plan to Burn Up Northern California more bad news".
2001 CIA.GOV document on Scalar Waves, necessary component of DEW
1999 Directed Energy Professional Society, huge military contractors not hiding but selling books, classes, memberships; repudiates "there's no such thing..."
1985 CNN report on Directed Energy Weapons / RF beam weapons -- USAF/military spearheading with Lockheed, Raytheon, etc.
"Ahh but There's No Such Thing as 'Directed Energy Weapons' !!!!!"
Anyone who ever shrieked that (and there were and still are so so many) was/is a dangerous liar or piteously stupid...and intending to dupe you.
H.R.6725 - United States-Israel Directed Energy Cooperation Act
All evidence shows They've had DEW for many decades.
Two best-by-far videos --
1. 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality
2. 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!
"For almost a quarter of the population, 9/11 will not be a searing [living] memory, but something to learn about in a museum." -- 13:00 into "The 9/11 Museum: Curating memories of terror and tragedy", 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl, 2013
Seven towers (well over 200 million tons) were 'turned into dust' whilst in mid-air.
In seconds, hectares of concrete and miles of steel vanished into clouds and vapor.
The "rubble pile" didn't even fill up the three-story lobby area. The amount of material that became dust is staggering.
Meanwhile, millions of papers flew everywhere, but the many hundreds if not thousands of metal filing cabinets were absent from the rubble. It's as if all metal was specifically targeted for vaporization, or "dustification" as Dr. Judy Wood has named it.
It is claimed that the two towers had contained over 3,000 toilets and latrines, also strangely absent from the rubble. Over 43,000 large windows, an expected "small mountain" of glass, also absent. It seems that all hard, brittle material (e.g., ceramic, marble, glass, concrete) was dustified. Tens of thousands of miles of copper wiring, snaking all throughout every part of all 7 trade tower buildings, has totally vanished into thin air. Even the copper windings on the most massive elevator motors was dematerialized by the (most probable) microwave onslaught.
"So there were dozens of heavy-duty elevator motors atop the WTC, biggest in the world it was said. The mounting bolts all disappeared, and all motors were found at the bottom of the mysteriously small rubble pile. 100% of all the motors' windings were found most often completely absent, missing as if never having been present, with the minority remainder all impossibly splayed akin to Einstein's hair. One splayed motor is on-display at the 911 WTC museum. The majority of the motors having the grander mystery of where-did-all-the-copper-go were secreted away, and yes that is the appropriate word. An organization's site called "CONSPIRA" links to pictures of the 911 WTC elevator motors. Overheating nor fire did not cause the damage which would have left copper windings mostly intact, in-place, although melted. Is there some mechanism known to cause evaporation of copper windings, leaving sometimes a wholly splayed mess but more often an utter absence of copper as if it had never been installed at all in the motors?"
"Yet, all nearby university seismographs recorded rumble less than that of a dumptruck.
Almost nothing impacted the ground. Almost nothing penetrated below street level.
Nearly everything turned into dust. But that's not even the strangest fact.
Many hundreds of cars, all parked far away, yet all strangely "burned". How?
POOF! No door handles. No windows or trim. No broken glass. None. Anywhere.
Notice the un-burnt trees and paper! Also, no soot or scorch marks from flame.
The bus (below) apparently endured some disintegration before WTC 6 was taken down, and then it apparently endured more disintegration after WTC 6 was taken down. Notice in the "after" picture that the streetlights and poles are also gone. What can disintegrate buildings from the inside-out and also disintegrate metal vehicles and poles, while leaving the trees and papers unburned?
It is grotesquely absurd -- "impossible", even -- at casual glance.
What can do all this? ...but read on, there's more...
Where did the entire engine go ?? Two planes, jet fuel, gravity and a dust cloud did that?
...and (below) this entire engine, also gone. Also, notice its strangely "wilted" steel.
Below is the now infamous LADDER 3 fire engine, having been made a primary exhibit in the "9/11 Museum" at Ground Zero WTC NYC -- except that what is shown and what is told are deceptive falsehoods.
BELOW: LADDER 3 appears in-situ on 9/11/2001 at 32:00 into this video, proving its amazingly unusual "wilted steel" and "disintegrated engine" was NOT caused by fire or any massive debris, let alone "a 110-story building falling on top of it", repudiating the fairy-tale emitted by 9/11 Museum curator, Jan Seidler Ramirez.
Watch a bit further (32:14) to see a vehicle which suffered severely melted steel, seemingly impossible to explain. It wasn't fire, heat or heavy debris that wilted LADDER 3, disintegrated its engine, and also completely "burned" away the steel structure of a neighboring vehicle (32:14). However, vehicles exposed to microwave weaponry (in Iraq and other war zones in which "exotic weaponry" was used, see Panama Invasion) exhibit identical damage.
The LADDER 3 exhibited in the 9/11 Museum has been substantially cleaned-up, its "impossible" evidence (i.e., disintegrated steel engine block) conveniently removed, presumably to preclude at least some of the unanswerable questions. Compare:
On-site damage (disintegrated engine):
Museum-sanitized version of "history" (i.e., engine compartment removed, presumably to hide disintegrated steel engine block and avert flabbergast):
Heavy structural steel. "Spaghettied". No stress cracks. No fractures. Flash-rusted.
What can do all this?
Two "planes", fires, gravity? Hahaha.
"Pancake collapse", thermite, thermate, "bombs", "mini-nukes". Yeah. Sure.
...all decoys and misleads for lazy, lackadaisical or idiotic minds.
Meanwhile... Identical evidence at the Pentagon.
Strange "burns". All aluminum handles and trim ...and all glass, POOF GONE.
Identical evidence in Oklahoma City.
Strange "burns". All aluminum handles and trim ...and all glass, POOF GONE.
What the hell caused the "crumpling"; nothing fell on these vehicles.
The interiors are in various stages of being "toasted" -- microwaves superheat metal which burns any covering / contacting flammables; paint is vaporized, exposed steel then "insta-rusts" without any rain. Dr Magda Havas, in relation to microwaves' effects on biologicals, describes a "rapid-aging" effect; a kind of hyper-oxydization.
Notice the fine mist, identical to 9/11 WTC site.
They're not even hiding it, (presumably) certain that most people are sufficiently programmed by mass media which is totally controlled by the boastful military's "full spectrum information dominance" -- below picture from wikipedia.
No glass; no aluminum door handles or window frames; engine missing (van); flash-rust; no soot, flameless "burns".
Above: The "popped-open" hoods and boots (trunks) are commonly seen as the aluminum latches disintegrate and giveway before the steel.
Notice again, as again and again, the "crumpling" effect with nothing present that could have caused such damage. It seems plausible that microwave-induced "eddy-currents" in the steel could cause localized super-heating, causing pulling, lifting, even melting/sinking. In the structural steel girders inside the WTC and other structures, microwave damage often manifests as "impossibly bent" (i.e., without any stress cracks or fractures) spaghetti-like distortions.
Below: Tinker AFB personnel, on the front lines of rubble inspection at Murrah Building (presumably as gatekeepers). Probably not coincidentally, Tinker AFB is major facility behind airborne directed energy weapons.
Identical evidence in Tianjin, China.
Strange "burns". All aluminum handles and trim ...and all glass, POOF GONE.
Wilted, "crumpled" metal. Vaporized engine blocks. This time, by the hundreds if not thousands. Clearly, this was a demonstration to the Chinese of the weapon's targetable devastation, no doubt pre-forcing some desired exo-political outcome.
Massive damage. Growing scale. No end in sight. Fearsome.
Wilted "crumpled" metal, again, with nothing having fallen on or otherwise impacted the surfaces. Strange "burns". No aluminum. No glass. Grey/white mist, not the sooty, carbon/oil-heavy, open-air and therefore cooler-burning smoke most reasonably expected. Recognize the pattern?
The repeating pattern evidences a new kind of weapon.
Identical evidence in Iraq (where military confirmed use of Directed Energy Weapons)
BELOW: Star Wars in Iraq 2003 Silent Laser Microwave Energy Weapons -- Numerous reports include: Shrunken corpses. Partial catastrophic burns - boiled and exploded eyeballs (that first 'go grey' and are blinded by 'insta-cataracts' (as evidenced by Melissa Doi's recorded half-hour long phone call to emergency-911 from within WTC, complaining, "it's very very very very hot", and lamenting, "I can't see the air anymore", and "there's so much smoke" yet tellingly not cough once during the entire call - what she (and five others sitting with her) mistook for "smoke" was most likely their blinded corneas, greyed-out by microwave directed energy weapons); burned brains; exploded skulls; remainder of bodies untouched. Silent; no sound; no physical projectiles. Molten and fused metal. Puddled aluminum (just like ay OKC, 911 WTC, and NorCal "wildfires"). Wilted and insta-rusted steel. Notice also the fine mist, also identical to 9/11 and other DEW-attack sites.
Directed Energy [Weapons] Professional Society website - online since 1999
All "official stories" and explanations do not explain all evidence; instead, all evidence indicates otherworldly, invisible, untraceable directed energy weaponry.
Who's next?
"The weapon can slay any being within the three worlds..."
The Mahabharata, Sanskrit epic of ancient India
No matter how painful, "crazy", or occulted, truth must explain all evidence. That is why the evidence collected by Dr Judy Wood is ignored and vilified instead of touted and explored, because it renders all common theories and explanations wholly insufficient, and perhaps even deliberate lies.
"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Mark Twain
Understand. Imbalanced. Satanic lies. Luciferian. Scriptural hatred. Ritual mass-murder.
Lies are extremely difficult to tell in reverse, so: Play their news footage backwards: No plane present in wide-angle view proves video fakery in under 10 seconds. And if they faked one plane...
Dr Judy Wood's Sep 2015 interview on Rense is excellent.
Also excellent, and only 4 minutes short. What it is to be Awake.
9/11 effects reproduced in laboratory - Jellification, levitation, molecular dissociation of metal, various materials, heavy objects.
"... directed energy weapons were a causal factor in the destruction on 11 September 2001 (9/11) of the World Trade Center complex (WTC) in New York, NY." - John Hutchison, Affidavit
"To sum up; the Bush Administration destroyed [or allowed to be destroyed] all files and evidence that were located in WTC buildings 1, 2 AND 7, as well as the pentagon. The SEC were investigating numerous fraud cases including Enron, Halliburton, The Carlyle Group, the $2.3 Trillion missing were being audited in the exact location where the "plane" hit the Pentagon. all evidence was destroyed that was being stored in all [seven of] the buildings that "collapsed" [followed by an immediate "clean-up" of the largest crime-scene]. ... No evidence, no crime, no investigation, no indictments. 9/11 solved!"
Brookhaven National Labs
- sits 61.1 miles away (911 upside-down and backwards), at an angle of 119 degrees from WTC
- was also built in 1947 (same as Pentagon)
- has its 'ion beam' operations headquartered in building #911
- enjoys an unobstructed, direct line to WTC
- routinely sells "beam time" to military-industrial and other contractors
- has most of its scientists as non-resident aliens / non-US citizens of unknown American patriotism
- has a "synchrotron" light source that can 'clear a tunnel through the atmosphere' so the ion beam does not diverge along its path
- had everything necessary (to act as a redirectable long-range atmospheric directed energy beam weapon) built and tested prior to 9/11
- creates, per its own documents, persistent contamination with tritium and other radioactive nucleotides due to the ion beam molecular collisions (invalidating the "tritium is evidence of mini-nukes" theory espoused by "WTC was an inside job done with mini-nukes" conspiracy-theorists)
- can shoot ("redirect") its ion beam over the center of its RHIC ring, through its "PHENIX" detector building and coincidentally directly hit (to within inches) the Woolworth building's oddly-unfinished, frame-only turret
- Rockefeller interests paid to have Woolworth building put onto register of historical places, fixing its outward features, necessary to keep it in-line, visible, and unchanged (with unfinished, frame-only turret, ostensibly used as a way-point target and/or beam guide)
- ownership of the Woolworth tower was Bush-related "Bo Dietl" and others of similar military / neocon ilk - See Wytkoff group
- Woolworth tower was oddly closed (post-911) for over a decade, probably similarly suffering the hallmark "continuing self-disintegration" of metals also exposed to ion beam, including the strangely self-rusting Bankers Trust building, and the over 1,400 "toasted" vehicles which continue to self-disintegrate after the attack -- also relates to dump trucks hauling dirt into WTC complex after attack (to absorb or diffuse the disintegration?)
- Involvement of the Woolworth building as a way-point (with beam-collimating apparatus) for the ion-beam directed energy (fired from Brookhaven National Labs RHIC ion gun) would readily explain the otherwise absurd by documented "missiles fired from the Woolworth building on 9/11" news reports (and video footage, which does show repeating, mysterious "glinting" in the haze)
- SCENARIO -- Could it actually be that
- an ion beam weapon was fired from BNL, through the atmosphere, a path through which was cleared by BNL's "synchrotron laser source"
- at the Woolworth building, inadvertently glinting in the haze (this was captured on news camera footage)
- ultimately targeting the towers, 61.1 miles away (accurate to within 33 feet)
- allowing the buildings (and 1,400 vehicles inadvertently "toasted") to be dustified, turned into dust whilst still in mid-air,
- completely explaining the "nano thermite / nano thermate" ingredients (finely powdered iron and aluminum) and completely obviating the now baseless Steven E. Jones and also "Architects and Engineers for 911 truth" limited-hangouts
- and also completely explaining the numerous otherwise inexplicable anomalies, masterfully collated and identified by Dr Judy Wood, including
- 90% lack of debris, steel, aluminum, and glass
- 90% lack of seismic impact from "collapse"
- 3,300 missing toilets; thousands of absent computers, filing cabinets, desks, and other metal office objects otherwise commonplace
- large holes hollowing out WTC building #6
- over 1,400 "toasted" (burned, flash-rusted) vehicles, most completely devoid of all aluminum, door handles, trunk latches, window glass, sometime even entire engine blocks
- otherwise impossibly deformed structure steel girders, some bent into pretzel forms without stress fractures or cracking of any kind
- ongoing "fires" and "molten" subterranean materials
- strange melted subterranean rock formations
- "jumpers" who almost unanimously and very strangely disrobed -- wet/sweaty clothes would block heat from fire, but would boil when exposed to microwave directed energy
- metal that kept self-destructing after the attack (Bankers Trust building, which self-rusted from the inside-out, for ten years, before it finally had to be taken down; flash-rusted vehicles; "molten" subterranean
- ultra-fine micro dust that seemed to self-disintegrate, becoming finer and finer over time
- "pyroclastic" cloud was cool not hot
- ultra-fine misty haze 'rose into upper atmosphere' for months
- BNL is also persistently implicated in ion beam energy weapon attacks on JFK Jr plane and TWA 800 (melting titanium jet fins, for example).
When you look deeper and broader, you find that
- OKC is 666 miles from Fermilab, the formerly most-powerful ion beam (weapon), in direct, unobstructed line (may involve OKC capitol building and its unfinished metal-frame dome)
- an incredible similarity in the "toasted cars" at WTC and also before, at OKC, and also after, at Tianjin, China where thousands of cars were wilted, strangely melted, with all glass vaporized, all aluminum vaporized, and even entire engine blocks completely evaporated
- NIST's (Gaithersburg, Md) ion beam blaster weapon is exactly 19.47 miles from the Pentagon, also in direct, unobstructed line
- "toasted cars" also at the Pentagon
- "toasted cars" also in Iraq, victims of the military's admitted directed energy weapons
- - the Directed Energy Professionals Society website, formed two years before 911, where huge military contractors brazenly sell books, classes, memberships
Suspected DEW, to investigate:
- Dive Boat "Conception" off Catalina Island (4 Sep 2019). Official story -- 34 people burned alive, supposedly trapped below deck on 75 foot boat with only one egress point (reported as fact, despite being illegal and ridiculously unlikely). Boat mysteriously, inexplicably incinerated to ashes. Bodies so totally burned as to require DNA identification. Sound familiar yet? Mayday victim to Coast Guard: "'I can't breathe' and yet not one single cough or wheeze during entire multi-part mayday calls. This is Remarkably Similar to the "we can't breathe" call to 911 from MELISSA DOI (and others) during the now-known Directed Energy Weapons (microwave) attack on World Trade Center towers... Also, 34 people aboard a 75 foot boat and only one single egress point -- simply not true, simply not believable. MOST LIKELY -- THE BOAT WAS ATTACKED BY DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AS MEANS TO "NORMALIZE" PUBLIC FAMILIARITY WITH WHAT WILL BE INCREASINGLY STEALTH / RANDOM / NEFARIOUS "DEW" ATTACKS AGAINST AMERICANS. Remember the "spontaneous human combustion" nonsensery constantly reported by the Zionic Mass Media back in the 1950s thru 1970s? Well, here it is again, repackaged into weaponized propaganda designed to confound and confuse and incite mass fear, dread, uncertainty." -- FOX NEWS "Harrowing mayday call from burning boat off California coast" --
- 2019 Spain / Canary Islands wildphyres
- 2018 Greece (Attica, around Athens)
- 2018 Liverpool car park structure
- 2017 Yuba County, Butte County Cali
- 2017 Napa - NoCal / SoCal
- 2017 Plasco Building, Tehran Iran
- RT
- 2016 Fort McMurray, Alberta
- 2016 Costa Blanca Spain
- 2016 Madeira Portgual
- 2016 Gatlinburg TN
- Colorado --
- 2012 Costa del Sol Spanish Wildfires
- 2011 Slave Lake, Alberta
- 2011 Coahuila, Mexico
- 2003 Canberra
- 2000 Enschende Fireworks factory in Holland
- 1991 Oakland Hills
- 1991 MIL - Kuwait "highway of death"
- 1989 MIL - USA invades Panama, boasts use of "beam weapons"
- 1986 "explosion" (and melted pipe) at Henderson NV competitor to Kerr-McGee / Halliburton
- 1972 - celebrity Chad Everett describes Cali Wildphyres to Dick Cavett, 9:10 in -- The wildphyre "causes a 'pre-ignition' [tunnel] ... blew out the windows in my house...4,800 sq. ft...went up [in flames] in five minutes...[the houses] they just sort of explode? Yes, that's a good description of [the wildphyre phenomenon, inexplicable by any normal conflagration, best explained by Directed Energy Weapons]"
- List of particle accelerators
- NIST ion gun, 19.47 miles from Pentagon, direct line-of-sight
- Cornell's DEW ion gun, WTC
- Plane "crashes" suspicious due to circumstances and/or DEW-like evidence
- Hale Boggs / Nick Begich plane "crash"
- Sen. Paul Wellstone plane "crash" and subsequent incineration; see Dr Fetzer youtubes
- Beverly Eckert plane "crash" (Colgan 3407) and subsequent incineration, after meeting / threatening Obama
- E Howard Hunt's wife plane "crash" (and subsequent incineration) that also wiped out 12 watergate and/or JFK investigators / persons of intrigue
- Plane "crashes" -- Ron Brown; Lockerbie; TWA 800; JFK Jr; Indian ocean "disappeared" flights (did they 'go off globe map', as Amelia Earhart presumably did?
- TWA 800 -- hit by Brookhaven Natl Labs RHIC ion gun
"Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories." - George W. Bush
Per the latest of the (so far) four "official" stories: 38 seconds after the first WTC Tower fell, Faux News revealed that the crime had promptly been figured out: The culprits were 19 Arabs, a few hiding in caves or bunkers, others wielding box cutters, yet none of them listed on any plane passenger manifests, which were all seated to only 20% to 58% capacity. Dangerously angry and lazy Americans consumed all the lies.
Those who lied about "WMD's in Iraq"... are the same people who told us who did what on 9/11.
~31:00 Angkor Wat was hit by Directed Energy Weapon. The "weathering" looks identical to Dresden, Germany (post WW2) whose man-made "firestorm" was also seemingly a DEW attack: Strong evidence includes (A) the majority of dead bodies in the streets had hair, full clothing; (B) 1,600-degree instant-heating inside deep underground bomb shelters, with hair intact, clothing still on, and apparent instantaneous microwave onslaught evidenced by corpses not cowering or shielding but still sitting as if zapped by quick-kill DEW attack.
Their Second Weapon ("DEW", high-voltage gradient, microwaves and ions injected into field, field interference, Hutchison Effect / Dr Judy Wood) seems to destroy structures (OKC Murrah bldg, WTC/Pentagon, houses/vehicles in Cali Wildphyres reduced to cremated white ash).
Their Third Weapon (newest; 5G / Elon Musk / STARLINK) will destroy people by toxifying their local-area air. 60GHz. See
Michelle Gibson
Auto Didactic
Wooden Nickels
"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true." Soren Kierkegaard