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If open-air or wildfires could melt metal then every backyard grill, gas stovetop, blowtorch, jet engine, water heater, gas furnace would not exist.

Microwaves variously liquify, disintegrate, or superheat (via eddy currents) exposed metals, igniting combustibles too-nearby.

Water on and inside exposed organisms is superheated beyond boiling, causing trees to ignite inside-first, bodies to char or spontaneously combust (remember when that was a thing) but leave clothing intact, hair unburnt, per Dresden and other victims.

Proof of DEW Directed Energy Weapons

DEPS.ORG -- Online since 1999, Directed Energy Professionals Society -- Huge military contractors not hiding but selling books, classes, memberships.

Mark Esper, DoD

Lockheed Martin DEW page

Lockheed Martin LLD Layered LASER Defense

Review of historical fires, spiritual aspects of chaotic transformative elemental

William Boot / darknessisfalling.com #293 Babylon Pt. B ("Fire")

William Boot / darknessisfalling.com #297 Babylon Business Pt. D

Depopulation, Climate Change, Weather Weapons - Greg Reese -- Every living human can fit inside of Texas and have his and her own townhouse, at population density of NYC. "Overpopu" is Untru.

Dresden "firestorm" -- Essentially every corpse photographed had clothing intact, hair unburnt.

Forest Fire As A Military Weapon AD0509724 (PDF)

Who is DEWing it

Raytheon, one maker of DEW (Lockheed another; others exist -- See USAF AFRL AMOS THOR DEW on Maui, per Last American Vagabond interview with Shelby Thomson)

Raytheon, Jesuit controlled -- Eric777 research

Lockheed Martin

BAE Systems

  ZACHARY K HUBBARD (GEMATRIA EFFECT NEWS) has for decades gone deep into analyzing gematrially encoded ritual in Big Events and News. Very good info, solid and all verifiable by anyone. ZKH has decoded conclusive proof that "They" abide a numerological coding in making and/or reporting Big Events. Biden taking 8 days to show up at the biggest disaster (in the best place, not north central Siberia) is proof beyond proof of a Scripted Timeline of Events and News. It sounds insane at first until you check out any of ZKH's thousands of videos decoding the news: Every decoding is self-standing and convincing.

Jesuit motto: "Go forth and set the world on fire." (per Pierre Teilhard Chardin SJ) -- Darkness Is Falling .com has hundreds of videos identifying culpritus. Gematria Effect News has thousands. Youtuber ERIC777 has outed Raytheon as Jesuit controlled (Raytheon is a maker of DEW per deps.org Directed Energy Professionals Society online since 1999). Jesuit World Order on reddit reveals Pfizer Board of Directors is 100% Catholic (in the "Marypoison" post). Lincoln Assassination: All hung conspirators were Catholic, the escapee John Surratt fled to Vatican for asylum; consequent diplomatic break exceeded 100 years until US President Reagan in 1984 restored Jesuit open intrigue; onslaught of decline has hastened since. America is supposedly "free" even from religion. Vatican's Jesuits swear to "extirpate" all non-Catholic heathens (per their Fourth Vow in the Congressional Record of the U.S.A. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216) and force the remainder to accept their Pope as the single path to God on Earth. Indisputably, therefore, America to its core has always been a prime target of militant religious zealots. How much more "proof" is required?

Brief, evidenced overview of many anomalies in DEW-driven wildphyres

Forensic Arborist Robert Brame

-- Outstanding Report On The Maui "Wildfires" by 48-year Arborist

  "This was a Kill City...They wouldn't let anyone out...that's your police department. The firemen didn't show up or very few did. They turned the cellphones off...They also turned the water off...This was planned...They make up the rules as they go along. This is nothing more than the Billionaires Club getting together and orchestrating destruction of the common people, wherever they are. If They want something, They've got a weapon now that's so unimaginable They can do whatever They want, They control every [major] news outlet...there's no stopping Them...We must get it out...We hold all the evidence, but They hold all the cards...The Truth will never get out unless we get it out like this [ourselves]." -- Robert Rame, 23:00 in

Forensic Arborist Robert Brame

-- Looking For Clues In The Canadian Fires - Forensic Arborist Robert Brame

  "In any forest fire, the forest burns first, and then the fire moves into the towns." ~9:00 in

  "What kind of fire doesn't burn the organic [materials]? Put a piece of metal in your microwave [oven] and you'll have the answer." ~10:00 in

  "Trees are burning from their insides, out ... mainly the trees having the highest [internal] water content." ~12:00 in

  "We're seeing that more and more: The water-lovers, extreme water-lovers, are the first to burn instead of the last." ~15:00 in

  "I've been on 106 trips to 38 wildphyre aftermaths, only 3 were natural, all the rest were something unnatural." ~16:00 in

  Polyester core tire, no metal inside: untouched by fire though sitting on blackened, burned ground. Steel-belted tire; zero rubber left, totally immolated and burned away 100%. ~16:30 in

  Whole fence-line only burned at the ground and where the nails were hammered into wood. ~19:30 in -- the ground itself is superheated by microwaves activating the nano-metals that were chemtrail/sprayed<./p>

  Fencepost only burned where the nails were. So what was on-fire? The [metal] nails, not the wood; the wood burned secondarily. This is not normal at all; why would the nails be on-fire? The metal hardware is [superheated] and the wood is only burning as after-effect because of close proximity. ~20:30 in

"   These phyres are burning and sterilizing down into the roots, into the mud; it's something unholy. ...the ground itself is on-fire I've come to realize." [nano-particulate metals aerosolized in "chemtrails"] ~44:30 in

Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2023-08

-- Microwave Directed Energy Weapons superheated metals (that were not painted blue) by inducing eddy currents that then ignited nearby combustibles. There is a single-sentence explanation of what was done to Lahaina.

Kula, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2023-08

Spokane, Washington, USA, 2023-08

Oregon, USA, 2023-08

Tenefire (er, Tenerife), Spain, 2023-08

Scotch Creek, British Columbia, Canada, 2023-08

Greece, 2023-07

Paradise, California, USA, 2018

Carr Fire, Lake Shasta, California, USA, 2019

Oakland Hills, California, USA, 1991

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