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Re-understanding Dresden: Microwave DEW Attack

Directed Energy Weaponry is older than commonly thought: Photographs of Dresden's supposed "firestorm" victims show clothing untouched, flammable hair unburnt; instead, the victims appear to have been rapidly boiled from the inside-out, as if their wet innards were superheated by microwave sudden onslaught of directed microwave radiation.

Misleading military documents present explanation of the 'cooked corpses' as resulting from "a dry heat". But the unburnt hair proves no scorching flames were present. Moreover, anyone who has ever overcooked food in a microwave oven knows the food becomes dried out internally and rubbery.

Meanwhile, all photographic evidence insists that there was no "firestorm-blitzkrieg" bombing of the historic city-center, despite wikipedia's claims of tens of thousands of bombs and "bomblets". Traditional bombing may have taken place, but all the evidenced damage does not follow from what the victors have historied.

For example: (a) Zero bomb craters appear in any aftermath photographs of the historic city-center; (b) streetcar and railways remained intact and immediately operational -- reality so absurd even Wikipedia acknowledges it; (c) nearby industry was untouched; (d) nearly all photographs of numerous corpses show flammable hair untouched, clothing unscorched, bodies not cowering from heat and flames but instead appearing to have been boiled inside-out quickly.

What can do this? Not fire, traditional incendiaries nor kinetic bombs; rather, consider the much closer match between the known effects of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) / Microwaves and the telling evidence below.

Consider who and what can afford the costliest weaponry. Raytheon, Lockheed, L3/Harris -- Jesuit-controlled.

Dresden, Germany -- first pre-planned "Hell on Earth" firestorm, coincidentally home to Martin Luther, father of Protestant Reformation, mortal enemy of Vatican/Catholicism. Was Dresden more than a bombing ?

Even wikipedia, the lowest-common-denominator of truthiness-by-consensus, admits that the culturally valuable "old town" city-center was primarily targeted (1,600 acres) versus roads, railways, communications "nor the extensive industrial areas outside the city centre"; immorally and unjustifiably disproportionate to any military gains; and towards the end of the war -- overall arguably a war-crime. What, then, was the real purpose of the unprecedented bombing? Was "religulousity" at the core? Was Dresden in fact more of a Vatican 'payback' for and/or attack against Protestantism?

BELOW: Dresden city centre, ~1910

BELOW: Dresden's primary church, razed. Martin Luther, infamous father of anti-Vatican Protestant Revolution and 95 Theses, statue toppled. While the annihilation of Dresden may have had deeply religious undertones, the destruction of Old World architecture and 'antiquitech' was also conveniently accomplished. Youtubers are latched onto this surprisingly illuminative fascination: Michelle Gibson, AutoDidactic, Jon Levi, Mind Unveiled, Berserker Bear, Wooden Nickels, FlatEarthBritish, and many others.

Dresden photographs evidence a microwave weaponry attack disguised as "firebombing". A "firestorm" would burn promptly hair, next clothes, eventually the wet innards of human bodies; instead, exactly the opposite is observed in practically all evidence.

BELOW: Nearly all bodies found were boiled inside-out (bodies are ~75% water; wet innards) with clothing intact and highly-flammable hair most often completely untouched; moreover, none were cowering or shielding from flames or heat but instead appeared to have been burned-in-place, somewhat quickly or unexpectedly.

The damage to the bodies is entirely consistent with microwave weaponry boiling/cooking wet flesh first, and absolutely inconsistent with the parroted 'wild, raging Hell on Earth conflagration of flames' permeating all "textbook history" writings and teachings.

(A) The true history has been misdirected; (B) Jesuits long "in-charge" of higher-learning; (C) 'THEA CULPA.'

"Journalists" and historians, as usual, merely parroted the military; the military, outright murder-cult paid liars beholden ultimately to Vatican, were tainted victorious and had reason and orders to disguise its masters' otherworldly weaponry.

Instead of looking at evidence, most persons simply accepted as truth without challenge or verification the claims of the victors. What if the military and higher powers simply lied to cover-up a weapon of godly power?

Photographs and other evidence show the military lied to cover-up the genocide and mislead from microwave weaponry / directed energy weapons ("DEW") which are consequently still being used to shape/force exopolitics.

Nearly all bodies found fully clothed, hair unburnt

BELOW: Nearly all bodies killed outside, in the supposed raging inferno, were found fully clothed with clothing unburned, verified by photographs. Was the "firestorm" a military and media myth conjured to cover-up the true means of mass destruction: directed microwave energy weapon?

BELOW: This is not a pile of naked bodies; much more clothing is exposed than flesh. This picture was taken prior to its readily available similar picture which shows the pile, larger and smoldering after having been doused with petrol and ignited.

BELOW: All bodies clothed, clothing unburnt, flammable hair unburnt. Zero evidence of "firestorm".

BELOW: Even after petrol dousing and ignition, more clothing than flesh is exposed. Clothing is difficult to burn fully, and wet flesh is nearly impossible to burn in open-air -- in fact, to burn down to ashes human bodies require inordinate amounts of fuel plus focused, intense and enclosed flames, as the bodies are three-quarters water and thus innately self-extinguishing? Only extreme internal heating from microwave radiation can account for the burned-from-within state of so many corpses; not fire.

Zero bomb craters; roads and railways untouched

Not one single picture exists showing any bomb crater in any roadway in historic Dresden; it's as if only the building were (magically) hit. This is extremely unlikely as one major noted purpose was by the unprecedented bombing to severely disrupt traffic and travel; moreover, at the time Dresden was the single most heavily bombed target ever. That not one bomb hit any roadway -- is that not preposterously absurd?

Railways untouched, immediately operational

Moreover, the railways were not destroyed; numerous pictures show trains and trams operating soon after the attack. No "bombed" rail lines.

Almost no rubble in the streets

Suspiciously, there is almost no rubble in the streets; most pictures show passable roadways...AND NO BOMB CRATERS AT ALL; NONE. Paraphrasing Dr Judy Wood regarding the amazing absence of rubble on 911: "Where did all the rubble go?"

Green trees, untouched, indicates no "firestorm"

Many pictures exist showing green, leafy trees amidst or immediately adjacent to totally supposedly "firebombed" locations and structures. The impossibly surviving greenery is consistent with other microwave weaponry onsalughts, including the "wildphyres" of Paradise, California 2019 and many other similar microwave-induced or caused attacks.

BELOW: Unburnt greenery galore is inconsistent with military-myth of "Hell on Earth" firestorm.

"Wilted" corpses, like Melissa Doi in WTC on 911

Zero corpses were photographed in cowering positions as if to shield from flames or heat. Rather, indoors and out, all seem to have been calmly waiting, then suddenly boiled from within.

This is eerily similar to how Melissa Doi was expired, being slowly cooked-to-death by microwave radiation inside WTC on 911 (the remarkable 9-1-1 recording reveals how she slowly faded away, "tired-out", yet not coughing once -- not one single time -- despite complaining of heat and, "I can't see the air anymore" (due to the cataract-causing microwaves graying-out her vision whilst slow-cooking her flesh), as her body's ability to metabolize oxygen was stymied by the microwaves causing her to slowly asphyxiate.

Military-funded research revealed that when 1,400 lab rats were slowly microwaved-to-death, cause of death was asphyxiation due to airways inflamed and constricted. Such was Melissa Doi's fate, and, most remarkably, it can still be personally verified -- listen and hear more with fresh insight.

As Elon Musk's anti-Christ / anti-life 40,000+ StarLink (and Amazon's 10,000+ proposed) "low-earth orbiting" 5G blasters begin to irradiate all life 24/7/365, expect hair loss; erectile dysfunction (also revealed in military studies); "fibro-myalgia" (per Dr Magda Havas's discovery of Rouleaux formation of blood cells stacking and thus stymie of capillary blood flow, oxygenation, causing pain); "brain cloud" (coined in first, expensive flop movie that combined Spielberg, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks: JOE VS VOLCANO) but renamed "brain fog" / inability to concentrate; vision destruction (cataracts, greying of eyes as lamented by Melissa Doi); and "trouble breathing"...gee, does that sound kinda COVIDy?

Many photographs show corpses not shielding from intense heat, not burned up, not fleeing, not cowering, but instead looking as if they had been slowly asphyxiated, slowly expired, slowly de-lifed...brains too scrambled by microwaves to understand and fear and attempt escape, bodies too weakened and dis-oxygenated to move...mostly, they look sort of withered away.

Many other photographs show corpses that appear to have been "insta-boiled", quickly, horrifically boiled from within. Reports from Gulf War (in which military admitted using "exotic [microwave/DEW] weapons") described microwaved soldiers as often being shrunken and dried out, sometimes turned into 'an indescernable mass of pink, chewed bubble-gum on hot tarmac.'

The microwaved family

BELOW: Microwaved family. Hair untouched, clothing unburned, none cowering or shielding from heat or flames; instead, cooked quickly and in-place from within by microwave weaponry -- the wet flesh was made to boil and burn first and primarily as per the cooking mechanism of microwave radiation. Brain activity / consciousness was probably mostly diminished as asphyxiation took hold, before the internal boiling caused the hallmark destruction of flesh from within. Smoke, flames, fire or external heat played little to no role whatsoever.

BELOW: Notice the death-rays from above. Subtle "revelation of the method" as karmically required to shed culpability? Collective subconscious 'knowing' the truth?

Soldiers cooked from within

BELOW: Soldiers cooked from within by microwave radiation. All clothing and gear absolutely untouched by any flames or heat damage. The military-coverstory of flame, fire, heat was all a lie to disguise their true weapon of mass destruction: directed microwave energy. Nothing else can fully explain all evidence.

Copper wiring absent as if never existant

BELOW: Miles of copper windings in massive motor stators vanished without trace, as if never present.

This strongly resembled the damage caused to most of the 60+ elevator motors (among the largest ever built) atop the WTC/911 that were found with their copper windings either "impossibly" and wildly all frayed or else also utterly vanished as if never present.

Look at how every massive elevator motor fallen from atop the WTC had all copper wires either "impossibly splayed" out in the extreme, wild-Einstein-hair-like, or else completely and utterly vanished as if it had never been wound.

Compare to the extreme amount of copper wire windings present on all undamaged motors.

"Toasted" Vehicles

BELOW: Many vehicles, all "toasted" just as we see after other suspected microwave weaponry attacks: Glass absent; aluminum absent; rubber fully burned away as if never present; steel inexplicably wrinkled, warped, melted, and devoid of paint as if superheated (by microwaves) then "insta-rusted"; a general appearance of "rapid aging" or "wilting" and krinkling or crumpling, withered implosion rather than violent explosion. Dr Judy Wood coined this term "toasted" to describe the unique damage caused to the ~1,400 vehicles found in the aftermath of 9/11 WTC/NYC. (Also similar with other apparent DEW attacks were the sudden high winds reported by Dresden survivors, amplified since in historical press.)

Compare to the estimated 1,400 "toasted" cars of 911 WTC.

Compare to the parking lot full of "toasted" cars at Tianjin, China DEW event.

It is surmised that the steel is caused to superheat by the microwave radiation; superheated, it then burns-away if not vaporizes any paint or other coatings and ignites attached or too-nearby wood and other combustible materials. Superheated enough, the steel itself begins to warp, sag, wrinkle, melt. (See youtuber Supposedly Shelley interviews Two Fire Captains RE Cali Phyres, Part 4)

Otherwise "impossible" melting and further damage of heavy-gauge steel and structural girders suddenly becomes feasible by microwave disruption of intra-material, molecular forces -- more than just superheating may be taking place.

Compare to the magically self-disintegrating bus photographed early on 9/11/2001 and, unmoved, untouched, later on 9/11/2001: Particularly mind-opening.

3 Bridges and Old-World City-Center Targeted

What was actually being targeted here, and why? Notice the 3 bridges were hit. But then only the city-center historic buildings seem to have any damage; most of the city untouched, nearly all of the roads untouched / passable, even the railway/tram is shown still operational (lower-left).

From Cliffs Notes: "The bombing of Dresden began February 13, 1945, and lasted through April 17 — a period of two months — yet even today, it remains one of the most controversial military decisions in modern warfare. Why this premier cultural city was devastated during World War II continues to be clouded in mystery. ... Code-named Thunderclap... the Dresden destruction began the night of February 13, 1945, when Britain's Royal Air Force sent planes to bomb the city. In all, the Royal Air Force sent 800 aircraft over Dresden, dropping incendiary bombs that caused massive devastation... The following afternoon, the U.S. 8th Air Force assaulted Dresden with 400 bombers, then continued with 200 more planes on February 15. A brief respite ensued after these February bombings, but on March 2, the U.S. 8th Air Force again bombed the city, using 400 more aircraft. Finally, the destruction of Dresden concluded with the 8th Air Force sending 572 bombers over the city on April 17. ... Information about the bombing remained secret until 1978... the true reasons for the exorbitant bombing remain ambiguous."

Clearly, aftermath photographic evidence shows something entirely different, what with the 2,572 admitted bombers (conservatively, 25,720 bombs if each bomber dropped only 10) magically missing road- and railways, leaving nearly all corpses with clothing and hair perfectly intact, unburned.

What was this attack all about? The "agreed-upon lie" (Napolean) official history seems to be just another gigantic, Satanic lie repeated by timid, accepting parrots from known liars in the routine.

From a religious perspective, William Boot / Darkness is Falling .com from 36:00 into "Babylon Fire Pt B" (#293) explains the historical use of fire by Jesuits / Vatican to cause upheaval, chaos and thus influenceable change (local archive, login required). This explanation of "why" plus the occulted use of Directed Energy Microwave Weapons possibly best matches evidence, sanity, reality.

"This is the fire-from-heaven program that is talked about in Revelation 13:13..." - William Boot,

Wildphyres have for decades now been blossoming out-of-control at never-before-seen scale all across the world, in "impossibly" lush green thick, distant forests, recently visible with dozens if not hundreds spontaneously igniting across wide area essentially all-at-once (as caught plainly by DUTCHSINSE youtuber on web-available weather RADAR: See especially All of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted in Flames"), and suspiciously selecting primarily vehicle and structural targets whilst leaving immediately-neighboring greenery curiously untouched, in tens of thousands of cases, as shockingly shown by youtuber APlaneTruth's PARADISE LOST extensive series of videos (local archive, login required).

The true, guttural horror of most-likelihood suddenly makes perfect sense to expanded, open minds.

Amana "RADAR Range"

In typical multi-use fashion, 20 years after Dresden commercial microwave ovens were introduced for-sale by Amana, Corp., originally called "RADAR Ranges" due to their use of microwave radiation to cause water-molecular spin and frictional heating from within, for cooking, boiling water.

Believe your own eyes.

Practically all flesh burned from within.

Highly flammable hair utterly untouched.

Most bodies were found with clothes unburned, barely singed.

This destruction is entirely inconsistent with flames or firestorm.

Dresden, Germany suffered the military use of Microwave Directed Energy Weapons. The myth of the "firestorm" was to mislead from their true weapon of mass destruction. While there may also have been aerial bombing campaigns targeting Dresden, the majority of the deaths there were, according to available photographic record, caused not by fire but by microwave radiation.


All glass vanished from buildings as if it never exists (no shards, no piles of glass). Lush, green trees amidst all supposedly firebombed structures.

Tue 22 Oct 2024 @ 4:26pm EDT     Contact     Privacy     Terms

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he is fooled.